Twice a week we publish problems that will feature in a forthcoming Dear Jeremyadvice column in the Saturday Guardian so that readers can offer their own advice and suggestions. We then print the best of your comments alongside Jeremy’s own insights. Here is the latest dilemma – what are your thoughts?
I have been working at a worldwide furniture company since January 2015 as a graphic designer.
In January this year I was asked to expand my skills as a marketing assistant, as well as carrying on in my original role as a graphic designer. It seemed like a great opportunity and I was assured that, by March, if I did this job as well, they would give me the job title and a pay rise.
I then had a meeting with my boss who said they would like to extend the “trial period” to June as it was felt I had not yet learned all the areas needed for marketing. I am, however, working in both roles.
I have not been given any assigned time specifically for training, even though I have repeatedly asked for it, so it looks as if I will never get the job title or pay rise but have to do the extra duties.
As a last resort, I have emailed saying that I would just like to go back to my old role without the extra duties as a marketing assistant.
I realise it would be wonderful to expand my skills, but am beginning to feel they are stringing me along to get me to do two jobs for the price of one on a permanent basis.
[SOURCE :-theguardian]